Friday, June 22, 2007

More icebergs @ Twillingate

We made several trips out to the coast over the past couple of weeks in search of icebergs. The best so far was this trip to Twillingate (also in the previous post). They certainly attract a lot of tourists which is excellent for the local area. I really liked the opportunity I had with the rainbow too, my son Tyler is studying the wave action and trying to reach a piece of ice from the berg. He succeeded, and iceberg ice is NOT salty, (I had to try it). Unfortunately we didn't have a cooler as he collected quite a bit and it is good for drinks, lasts longer than icecube ice from home.


Karen said...

More beautiful shots!

Kekiinani said...

WOW I love the iceberg shots. The rainbow is awesome. It is amazing to think that there are icebergs out there when our ocean is sooooo warm. Guess yours is just a tiny bit cooler!! :) :) Aloha, Renee :)