Sunday, September 30, 2007

F-16 at CYQX - Gander

11 Dutch F-16's visited here a couple weeks ago and I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. I have several other good snaps but for some reason they won't upload to blogger for me?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

St. Brides & Cod fish

On a recent trip to St. Brides we came upon 2 men on the wharf cutting the tongues out of these cod, "ooooh what a feed" I bet they were good.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Cape St. Mary's

Wow, I can't believe the summer is gone and school is started again. Time flies and it's been a month since I had a chance to post! I've taken lots of snaps in that time and am still sorting them out.......hope to post a little more often now....hoping to...

This is just a little sample of an enourmous amout of pictures taken this day at Cape St. Mary's. To get the idea of the amount of birds on the seastack click on the top picture for a closer look.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

View from the Harbour

The view from on the water in St. John's Harbour is quite different from the view on land. My first trip out there was only a couple of years ago, despite having grown up in the area. I like the different perspective it gives on the familiar landmarks. The first picture is "The Basilica Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist" a 152 year old Catholic church. The second picture is "The Rooms," Newfoundland and Labrador's newest cultural and historical showplace. The Rooms unites the Provincial Museum, the Provincial Art Gallery and the Provincial Archives under one roof. It was built to model after the "fishing rooms" where families came together to process their catch. The last picture is "The Battery" situated at the entrance to St. John's Harbour at the base of the steep slopes of Signal Hill.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Flying Around

I was out recently and spotted these quick little flies about, does anybody know what they are called? They are nearly 2 inches in length, at times it is almost as they can hover in place.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Canadian Coast Guard & Elizabeth Madeline

"Canadian Coast Guard" ship just came out of the fog headed right for St. John's Harbour.

"Elizabeth Madeline" making her way home to St. John's harbour. The "Iceberg Quest" Ocean Tours boat behind. One thing always never very far from the East Coast is that bank of fog, you can see it very visible in the background here.

Fort Amherst

Fort Amherst was built in the 1770s to defend the entrance to the Narrows. The original fort has long disappeared. During the second World War, gun placements were installed to protect the harbour from German u-boats.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A Night at Gander International

Kalitta Air 747 lifting off bound for Europe

C-17 Globemaster touching down on Runway 03. Gander Lake is in the valley/background in this picture.

Cottrell's Cove

This lonely forgotten little house is just sitting right on the side of the highway. I'm sure there is some history here.

Last of the Icebergs for this year

I have fallen so far behind posting lately that these are almost out of season, they taken only a couple of weeks ago. Not many bergs left around now, but there are still some. These were near Cottrell's Cove.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Canada Day

These are from last year in Ottawa, I think that Ottawa is the coolest place to spend Canada Day. I watched some of the telecast from Parliament Hill today and miss not being there this year. The patriotic and partying atmosphere is so excellent, everyone is out for a good time wearing red and white and just being so happy........maybe next year we'll go back again.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

English Harbour

I recently took a trip to Port Rexton, these pics are from nearby English Harbour. Port Rexton is the home of several very comfortable B&B's It is such a beautiful little part of our world despite the dull day. Once again the icebergs are still lining the coast, it's been an awesome year for the iceberg tourism.

Friday, June 22, 2007

More icebergs @ Twillingate

We made several trips out to the coast over the past couple of weeks in search of icebergs. The best so far was this trip to Twillingate (also in the previous post). They certainly attract a lot of tourists which is excellent for the local area. I really liked the opportunity I had with the rainbow too, my son Tyler is studying the wave action and trying to reach a piece of ice from the berg. He succeeded, and iceberg ice is NOT salty, (I had to try it). Unfortunately we didn't have a cooler as he collected quite a bit and it is good for drinks, lasts longer than icecube ice from home.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


We took a late afternoon drive up to Twillingate Sunday and this year there is an abundance of Icebergs. They are all so different and unique. This one has apparently changed dramatically over the past couple of days. It toppled over and kind of split leaving the spire, making it unique. They are so nice to see, I can understand the fascination that the tourists have to come here and see them.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


With the new Shrek movie out, Macdonalds has had some new toys, and recently my son had Shrek, here Shrek is about to be walked on. The Shrek series has been a wonderfully prosperous venture for Dreamworks and their creative brilliance appeals to an amazingly wide range of audiences. We have yet to see "Shrek the Third" but we are looking forward to the opportunity soon.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mighty Big Truck

We made a trip to Labrador City recently for my son to compete in The Gymnastic Spring Provincials. There is a large iron ore mine between Wabush and Labrador City. We did a tour of the mine and they have some very large equipment. The Chev pick-up really gives an idea of how big the dump truck really is.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

....I've fallen and can't get up....

When I stare at this picture and get the feeling I'm lying on the ground in a daze looking straight up.....won't be long now and the leaves will be out.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Full Moon

This one caught my eye again last night on my screensaver, a little crop and I thought it worthy of posting. Almost takes on an appearance of the northern lights........

Monday, May 21, 2007

Candle light

Very simple candle light, I didn't notice these on the wall till they were lit.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

old Dodge

With the leaves still off the trees and the sun glistening in the woods I noticed this old relic in the woods on Gander Bay Road just outside of town. I have been on a bit of a hiatis lately and hope to be a bit more active now showing some of the places I've been over the past month.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

No Ice!!!

I was here on 12th April it was a beautiful day and the ocean was clear with no ice in sight. Since then the ice has come to shore and it was really a large problem for many fisherman and their boats. I was checking out fellow blogger sites last night and came across Eric Bartlett's picture under "Pack Ice" of this very same cove 12 days later and quite full of much for the global warming?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Happy Duck

This guy looks to me like he might be smiling. According to how long they have happily inhabited the "duck pond" at Bowering Park in St. John's I would suspect life is pretty good there.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Grey Foggy Day

The windsock at the end of runway 13 at Gander International Airport. Today it was light drizzle all day and right at the freezing point, hence the ice on the trees.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Butterfly @ Bowering park

A travelling butterfly show was brought in from the "Insectarium" in Deer Lake to the greenhouse at Bowering Park. I travelled to St. John's last weekend for my son to compete in a qualifier for the Atlantic Championship in Gymnastics and heard about the display on the news. I also saw that Karen at stopped by there too and I thought I would go and have a look. It was nice to see and fun to shoot a few pictures in the warm on such a cold and damp day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Seen better Days

This is in Clarkes Head, Gander Bay, I guess really another sign of out migration, lack of population and support and institutions like this are really left to the elements. I think the leaning cross tells it all, the support in so many ways is gone............

Monday, March 26, 2007

Little Berg

On the trip to Twillingate yesterday this is the only "iceberg" to be seen. It looks like it's been around for a while with the top all rounded off and smooth. I hope the next couple of months brings lots of icebergs for the tourists and the tour boat operators.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Long Point

We went for the "sunday drive" today out to Twillingate in search of icebergs. I heard earlier the week that there may be one out there, even though it is a tad bit early for the north east coast we didn't need much of an excuse to get out of the house. Unfortunately, no big icebergs however there was one small "bergie bit." (I'll post later in the week) It was a beautiful sunny day, kind of spring like till you get out of the car out near the ocean.....on the horizan it is all ice hence the BITTER COLD breeze.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Still recovering, it's going to be a long slow process. I was looking through some pictures I've taken this winter and came across a number of shots of jays, it's funny every time when we stop for a break on the trail in less than 5 minutes without fail there come the jays. They are fearless probably hoping for a handout, but this little guy looks like he's been eating well! On another note I will be in the market for a macro lens and a zoom lens in the very near future for my Olympus E-Volt, but most of all I am looking for advice and suggestions on where and what to buy, especially if you have the same e-mail....